What Band Do You Regret Never Getting The Chance To See Live?

Gil Scott-Heron, the closest I got was when he was playing a sidestage at a big expensive musical festival, and a coworker and her boyfriend has passes... should've tried to get in on one of their passes, but I didn't. He died a few years later.
I was at this show..

Fleetwood Mac comes to mind right off I really like them but never had the opportunity to see them live, there's other bands I'd like to have seen but I did see my other firm favourites, there was a upsurge in older bands touring through the 90s,
Pink Floyd, David Bowie, The Rolling stones, The Eagles, Superrramp x2, REM with the Cranberries backing, Texas, Rod Stewart and Elo.

Is anyone familiar with the T in the park music festival?
Peter Gabriel, Talking heads, Hawkwind, Muddy Waters, The Ramones and Frank Zappa and Most any non pop artist. Pop music is for those who need to be told what they like!!!