What are your thoughts on music


I've been playing about with music in my garden. It started as bit bit
Of a joke with some friends. Then I googled it. I played soft classical
24/7 for weeks 2/3 and 4. It went mental in there so I stopped. And it
Seemed to slow back down. I'm week 4 in to flower and had the music
Back on for two days. Already there's a big diff. The flowers are filling out
More. A friend is trying it on his clones. Already there's a noticeable difference
From his last lot. He's in week one veg and they are twice as big as his last
Is it us going mad or have anyone else tried and had good results.


Well-Known Member
yup mythbusters did this.....playing music for a plant speeds up growth and talking to a plant as well however your obviously increasing co2 while talking to a plant...but something about the vibrations i think