What are your favorite things to watch or listen to while high?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Birds. On the weekends I usually get up anywhere between 4-6, make coffee, have a bowl, and sit on the steps and listen to the birds communicate. I never plan to do that, it just seems to be where my mind goes. There's a kind of hum in the air at that time of the morning, but still so quiet that you can hear them very clearly.

No idea what they're saying.


Well-Known Member
Birds. On the weekends I usually get up anywhere between 4-6, make coffee, have a bowl, and sit on the steps and listen to the birds communicate. I never plan to do that, it just seems to be where my mind goes. There's a kind of hum in the air at that time of the morning, but still so quiet that you can hear them very clearly.

No idea what they're saying.
If the weed were dank enough, you may be able to understand a few phrases ;)