what are the diffrent methods of producing female seeds ?


Active Member
i have 2 females that are flowering at the moment n was wondering if theyre was anyway i can make atleast one of them produce female seeds..i dont have a male, or either a hermie for that matter..any advice/help ??...


Active Member
wait...so does anyone know if the light stress method works ?..liek wen your plants in flowering, you switch to 24 hrs of light for 3 days n go back to 12/12., then supposaly they grow male flowers that you then pluck off to harvest the pollen then use the pollen on the same plants buds ???...then they produce fem seeds ??

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
wait...so does anyone know if the light stress method works ?..liek wen your plants in flowering, you switch to 24 hrs of light for 3 days n go back to 12/12., then supposaly they grow male flowers that you then pluck off to harvest the pollen then use the pollen on the same plants buds ???...then they produce fem seeds ??
no, herm plants do not produce fem seeds. I have researched this. I can't find any legit website that says it is possible, with a hermed plant. I would try the banana peel technique or the one I found. Dont herm them on purpose. http://forum.grasscity.com/general-i...s-methods.html