What are the best strains for growing outdoors Palm Springs, CA?


I am looking for the best choice in this :fire:desert region where the temp are cooler now and Spring temps range from 75-90 F. During the summer temps of 90 F to well over 105 F:shock:. I prefer to start from seed. Although, there are many strains available in my region as the local dispensary sells clones. I still have time to order from Attitude Seed Bank and currently germinating feminized Durban Poison from Dutch Masters. This is my 3rd desert outdoor grow and have had good success with White Widow and Romulan. All advice is welcome learning every day.


Well-Known Member
Get a heat tolerant strain. Pure Afghan Kush can handle temps over 100 degrees easy.
Last season i grew og kush, santa cruz kush and some bagseed here in the valley...temps were always high 95+ the whole summer.

As long as they have water, they will be good.
I am also in Palm Springs. Last year I planted about 12 seeds I had been saving. Three plants made it, good stuff but buds turned brown just at harvest. This year I planted a variety of clones and all seem to be really doing well. They are well irrigated, the only "food" I add is miracle grow that sprays on thru a hose. Should I get some shade cloth? Any other ideas will be most welcome. I'm growing to provide medicine for my wife and myself and a friend (all seniors) so a super high yield isn't critical.
Thank You


Active Member
Use some type of silica supplement like Botanicare's Silica Blast or Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin to help strengthen the plant in hot temperatures