What are my plants lacking?


image.jpg Hey guys. Recently kicked the lights back to 12/12 and have noticed some serious browning on the larger fan leaves. I haven't hit them with nutes in 2 weeks as I've been concerned I was over feeding them. Since putting them in larger pots I've had no issues keeping them moist, prior however, there was a few times id come home from work and they would be droopy and dry. Curious if the pic I've attached can offer enough info into what's happening.

I do not have a ph tester :(


Well-Known Member
Is the soil you used a 'time release' blend? If you haven't fed in two weeks I don't see how it would matter anyway, but just a thought.


No time release nutes in the soil. It's very strange. It reminds me of when I once burnt the top of a plant because the light was touching. Only this is showing on two plants at the bottom. Thanks for the input thoigh fellas!


Well-Known Member
Well there ya go..."a few times I came home they were droopy and dry" Its just responding to being too dry. It'll bounce back