What are hermies?


Active Member
i never heard of hermies. i'm growing right now but my 4 plants are still in their early stages. at what point can you tell it's a hermie? and again, what is it exactly?


Well-Known Member
its a plant with male and female parts, they have balls and fem white hairs, best to get rid of them or they will pollenate your females and turn your flowers into half seed, although if you only have a hermie you might aswell grow it ,there still a ok smoke, but im no expert yuo may well indeed want to seek further help, good luck


Active Member
if you have more then one plant i would take it outside of the grow area and pick off the "balls" and if you get any power like stuff rinse the best you can let sit out for a day still under lights but it you got it off cleanly just put it back in. They taste the same no matter what unless they pollinate your plants. Always be careful when dealing with one. Half the time I just toss mine out, they are a pain.


Active Member
You could either pick the balls off the plant carfully. Or if your making seeds. Hermies make feminized seeds. Correct me if im wrong.


Well-Known Member
It's best to kill, destroy and burn that heartless piece of crap. Yea you can go blind picking off the balls. And more often than not there is one just one ball that can't be seen and wammo seeds coming from everywhere. That beautiful plant you drooled over thinking about smoking great bud is over. You will never know it till it is over. Has happened more times than I want to count. If it is your only plant then grow it. Make sure you clean your grow room completely before the next grow.