What an opportunity!!


OK so my mum has recently got in to bread making and one of her friends came round and was saying how good hemp bread was.. So my mum wanted to grow some hemp for the seeds :/ I researched it a little and found out it was pretty much the same as marijuana or close enough for my parents not to realize soo...... My parents are now growing hemp and will soon be growing whichever strain grows best outdoors in england for me :D :D Not only that but my parents are also letting me grow my own Hemp(Marijuana), Any suggestions on what to grow?



Well-Known Member
Cool, man. Grow it up.

You are right they are one and the same plant, hemp is just the industrial/textile (low THC) version of cannabis.

I'm pretty sure your mom's friend really just meant marijuana/cannabis. REAL hemp bread might not be worth it.


Well-Known Member
If you're lookin' for seeds you'll need a male and a female. I suggest something with big buds, then pollinate them real good. Your smoke will be quite poor, though.