what am i not doing??


Active Member
last week i germinated my seeds. they germinated great so later in the week i planted them it is now thursday(planted on monday) and there is no sign of the seedling surfacing. i have two lights shining 8 inches away and i have given them sufficient water ...do i need more patience or did i fuck something up. --this is my first time growing so can someone tell me the deal.:joint:


Well-Known Member
keep them warm, don't over water, wait a couple days more. if you see nothing gently move some soil aside to take a look at what's going on in there.

next time it might be better to germinate directly in the stuff you moved them into. :)


Well-Known Member
Two questions come to mind here:

1. what kind of light are you talking about? Flouro or incandescent?
You should be using Flouro at this point, Incandescent would give you a heat issue and would cook your seed in it’s own juices.
2. How deep did you plant them?
1/4 inch depth.


Well-Known Member
When your planting seedlings you have to be careful not to touch the root or seed, im not suggesting you did such a thing but it can kill your babies before they even see light.


Well-Known Member
mmmh, someone new to growing really should directly put the seed into a 1/4" of soil to sprout it there, so no-on can mess this up. Jiffy pellets are great for that job since they almost can't be overwatered, watering is easy to control with them and they can be put straight into a bigger pot as soon roots show:) and no-one is tempted to bury his seeds 10" deep in them:D


Well-Known Member
oh, and heat lamps are no good for growing at all, they just burn the babies, are in a total wrong light spectrum (red to mainly IR) and just waste precious energy!

for vegging seedling get CFLs which are in a 6500K/cool white spectrum, that is the right blue spec to veg with;) if you got cash to spare get for later vegging a MH system but you can go all the way till flowering with the 6500K CFLs too;) that is the way i do my vegging too:)


Well-Known Member
You should be fine my friend. If you are getting impatient now, then by the time you're done you are going to feel like you have waited a year!! They should come up soon. They can sometimes take up to a week!

A rule of thumb is it just make an imprint in the soil with your finger (or thumb!...I thought it was funny lol) and put the taproot down, then cover with more soil. Make sure soil is damp, but no soaked. Proper drainage holes should do you good. You don't need light directly on the soil. As long as the temperature around the soil is at LEAST 65 degrees, they will come up when they feel like it. Just leave a light on it though using the timer you want. 18/6, 16/8, etc. This way when they come up, they will most likely be welcomed by warm light!! Good luck!!