What am i doing wrong?


ok i cant figure it out so i posted here..i germinate using the paper towel method, i ph my water to 6.5, miracle grow seed starting mix,(which ive grown in before) have 2 27 w cfls over it, a seedling heater mat and a small heater that keeps it around 70..and they grow super slow and die young.i cant figure it out..i changed my lights, i changed my water...


New Member
Why do you use two different types of heat? Are you sure your dirt isn't getting to warm? Does it dry out really fast? What sort of seeds are you using, genetics are important? People are friendly here. Post some pictures of your set up/problems, and people will help you get your system dialed in.
yeah you probably over working them. paper towel method till you have roots and then transplant into your mix. might be your mix that is hosting predators that are getting at your emerging roots.


Also remember that for the first couple of weeks you don't really need to use nutes, seedlings tend to be fairly sensitive to that.


Active Member
I had the same problem a while back. Once I removed the heating mat everything was good. After they open up in the paper towel, place them in dirt plugs until you see the roots poking out. Then move them to your soil.