what am i doing wrong?

I have a 150w fps sun system light hanging in a 2.5foot tall cabinet with an intake fan an ouput fan. The temp inside is about 25-30 celcius and my soil is drying fast. One of the plants is about to die while the other is holding on quite well. What do I need to do? Please help me find a solution to this problem quick before they die!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Get them in bigger pots that won't dry out so fast???? I have no idea how these guys do micro-grows. They are a marvel of ingenuity and engineering. Try looking at some of the micro-grow threads.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what Jack said. I would suggest putting them in bigger pots and making sure you water thoroughly. Micro grows can be very difficult. Maybe try misting them once a day in the early hours.