What age to give nutes?

That is like asking, "[w]hat age did you smoke pot" (hagar 11).

You will get a numerous amount of answers. Some people do it EARLY, some wait till the 4th node, mainly because most believe the plant is in the full swing of veg and has maturied out of he seedling stage.

Some people (during flowering) feed the entire term of the lief cycle, some flush 2 weeks prior. It is all preferential tot he gardener's will.

I personally do both.. if i beileve that plant needs a little extra incentive(LOL) i maximize P, and K (specially in satavs.)
I startng giving them during the vegetative state, the nutes I just give extremely small amounts, and start giving a bit more during flowering.
If you are in a soil-less environment, seedlings will start to show nutrient deficientcy when the 2 main leaves are about 1 1/2 inches wide, I feed mine for the first time when they are about an inch wide. I do mean to say 'wide' and not 'tall' as they grow more 'out' and not 'up' at this stage.
Feed with 1/4 strength or 300ppm nutrients.
aye... 300ppm is good for a youngen.. there is actaully tap water that i have pernally seen that was like 480ppm(house was in the middle of the woods, literally) my ddue cud not use his water at all .. until he muttered these famous words ... "CULLIGAN MAN!"