What about hanging the whole plant?


Is this a good technique? I've read where some guys cut the plant at the base and invert it in the dark to dry, then cut the buds off to cure.
Any experienced posts are appreciated.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i tried this , it takes up too much space and you can't do a very good job of trimming the buds , so i find no benefits to hanging the whole plant i stick to the smaller branch method where i can have nice rimmed buds and hang them in a smaller area


Well-Known Member
I've done this before. It really is a lot of work to trim after that initial dry with the plant whole.


Active Member
It is a lot easier to trim them while they are fresh. The leaves stand at nice right angles to the buds and do not crumble when you handle them.


Active Member
I did some research on this. One place that I came across stated a neat fact. If you hang a group of plants in a smaller room the moisture from the whole plant will slowly cure the bud. I don't speak from my own experience, just repeating what I read. They also said that THC that is present in the plant will continue to go into the bud....??????? seems posssible. Good Luck

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
My father used to dry and cure all plants in a small room, like you are explaining. Leaving these hang in there upside down for weeks, until ready to smoke. Crumble the sugar leaves off, and save for hash, then pack/roll bud to smoke.