What a 9.0 ph does to cannabiss


I was told my tap water was a level 7.0 all the time from the city... Errrrr wrong its 9.0 an this is what it did to my plants


Active Member
Trust me when i say, just waste your money on the things to make your plant stay alive. Don't just say fuck it and hope it grows. Or all your gonna get is shit like that. If you want to have sexy ass buds growing. Then just waste the money to get the right equipment.


Well-Known Member
Jesus man if I wanted to see gore I'd go to other sites on the net!
But yeah PH up and down are your best friends. Along with a reader. So erm how did you find out it was at a 9? Guessing you tested it after those girls died a horrible death? Also was that just one watering or damage over time?
holy crap 9.0 glad my city water is 7.0 and yes i use ph down and a ph meter check ph everyday they wont grow without looking after everyday get some ph down and a meter at least


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad bro mines 12.0 ph and my state sent me a letter for the last few years stating that our water is unsafe to drink and if you have liver, kidney and other health problems call a lawyer!!!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
If your water was that bad, how did those plants grow up so nice?

You overfed them or cal mag was really off.

My water is around 8ph. I add 10 drops of lemon juice per gallon.
Takes the ph down to the mid 7's for soil.

Someone post that chart. lol


Fluctuations. I'm guessing the ph was pretty close to being right, here an there.
I also tested chlorine levels in the cities water an That played a big part in killing them as well. After finaly getting a Ph raising kit an a chlorine filter for my spick it, everything is perfect an all plant's are growing like weeds.


Well-Known Member
How did the plants grow that big with the pH that high? Did you move or something?

9 sounds crazy, but my pH comes out of the tap at like 7.9-8.3. In my organic grow I always add a splash of apple vinegar to my buckets of water, unless the water is going to be sitting


Well-Known Member
If you're using the right nutrient mixes it will dial your PH for you. I haven't had to use PH up or down in years. Humic acid goes down, potassium silicate makes it go up. A blue lab meter is your best friend.