Whars Your favorite additave for your buds? & some more ???

Hi, I recently got back into the hobby after a 15yr break. I'm still pretty rusty at the moment.

There are now so much new products that i want to try, and being the sucker that I am i always walk away from the dro store with more than what i came for. Being impatient doesnt help either, i do not try 1 product at a time, instead i add a little of everything (kelp, Humic, Fluvic, Koolboom liquid, Floralicious +, & recently CalMag +) along with a weaker strength of my generic hydro store nutes. So, I have no idea what difference each product makes. OK, here comes the questions....

1) What additives have you tried, had good results and would recommend??? Taste, potency, harvest time, yield, etc.

2) I had a recent PH malfuction and put my plants in pretty bad shape, I've corrected the ph and ran an extra 10 mins per flood that day, and my rockwool is back to the normal ph. Can i carry on my regular feed strength with strong lighting or should i relax for a few more days? Im in week 5 of 12/12. I dont want to mess around at this critical time.

3) During a PH nutes lockout does the plant eat the food and cant process it or the roots just dont pick up a certain nutrients? is my 3 day old nutes unbalanced from the girls not being able to feed off all the nutrients? If so should i change it?

4) If my PPM of my res stays at almost the same level with lots of water gone throughout the week, Am I pretty close to feeding the right amount of food? do i still need a fresh water flush, or just weaker nutes near the end? Im asking because i dont think my plants are going to finish at the same time.

Thankyou in advance for helping me answer some of these question