Wet Harvest May be Drying too Quickly


Well-Known Member
On Friday I wet trimmed 25 plants. I put all the buds and resulting shake on these huge drying racks under a rotating fan. Now its Sunday, and I suspect the buds are dry. I was hoping it would take a week, but I think all I'll need is 3 days. The humidity has been around 10%, but the air temperature has been in the low 70's.

I plan on putting into glass jars on Monday if the buds get too crispy. What can I do to make sure I don't lose my harvest to dryness?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Brown bag or shoe boxes or cardboard boxes fruit come in from packing houses. Are they little nugs? Smoke one see how it burns

past times

Well-Known Member
Might want to turn that fan off and let them dry a little slower. At least on a timer. I would throw them jars now to balance the moisture. leave overnight and check tomorrow. If still wet, just put back on racks...if close but still a little wet, just leave the lid off for a few hours. Then put back on. Rinse repeat, until you get the right humidity


Well-Known Member
Do the stems bend or snap. Is ur fan blowing on the bud if so thats bad keep the fan.on low aiming away just keeps the air flow and idk if it would work.but put a bucket of water in the drying area it made add some moisture to the air to.slow it down..


Active Member
get them into jars soon and even out the moisture in your buds or your not gonna enjoy it. if they become to wet in the jars, put them back onto the racks but do not have the fan on high or on them at all. Now is the time you will want to check up on them a bit more often to make sure things get back on track. A shitty dry/cure can ruin all the work you put in cause if its good but smokes like shit... well, you can get that on the streets :p
Good luck :)