Were grow lights at one time referred to as a "spider"?


Well-Known Member
I was listening to this podcast the other day and this older guy who's been growing forever used this slang term "spider" to refer to a light. He said something like "I could get X amount of grams per spider" I thought surely he's not talking about spider farmer, they've not been around that long, and this is an old guy who's been growing for a long time and used hps for all that time. Then I remembered seeing pics of hps lights with the umbrella looking hood and thought I bet that's the spider hereferring too. Have any of you older growers ever heard of this.
I was listening to this podcast the other day and this older guy who's been growing forever used this slang term "spider" to refer to a light. He said something like "I could get X amount of grams per spider" I thought surely he's not talking about spider farmer, they've not been around that long, and this is an old guy who's been growing for a long time and used hps for all that time. Then I remembered seeing pics of hps lights with the umbrella looking hood and thought I bet that's the spider hereferring too. Have any of you older growers ever heard of this.

I am fairly old and have never heard that. Do you have a link to the podcast?
I believe what he is referring to as a "spider" was a fixture that you could put 5 HPS bulbs in. It hung by a center post, and had 5 arms coming out that the bulbs went into. Larger grow ops used them because they would throw out a ton of light to a larger area.
This was what I was thinking it was.