went nuclear on family last night for good reason though


Well-Known Member
Ok so first off you should kno i live with my friend... ok with that said, yesterday was getting food at the store and a call comes in through my boyz phone.... it was my ma yelling at him
(My moms a pos addict) so he yelled back in store then hands me the phone..
Anyway she misplaced one of her she called it a patch but she had the nerve to outright accuse me
and for some reason my friend ??
I lost it in the store and yelled
then proceeded to go to her house to get this straightened out.
well when i got there she tried to yell
and boy oh boy that was it.
i yelled YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKIng LYING DRUG ADDICT i did not nor would i have any

reason to. it continued for about half an hour.
anyways yeah... she pushed me to far she ended up finding the mother fucker and not even apologizing .
i am still beyond pissed i am not a thief and she has no right to say i am.
If it would of been anyone else i would of kicked there head in.
i do not feel bad about as i feel it was well deserved
You really shouldn't call your Mom a POS anything.. you should want to help her.. Sorry that she is an addict.. but... we all screw up someone at some point in our life..
understand your need to vent too.. hope things get better for her pronto!
(My moms a pos addict)......snip....

Did you just call 50% of your genetics, a piece of shit addict or do I misunderstand? If so you need to remember this moment very clearly. Much more of our behavior is caused by the human genome and epigenome than we can accurately predict. Although we don't know the current locus of this gene I can promise you it can be passed on. Hopefully you have not inherited it. But remember this moment and pay it forward when your turn comes.

Rage solves nothing, but it does get one moving so there are times to use and embrace it. Best of luck between you and your family on this issue.
No offences to people with "loving parants"
But she has never wanted me all she's wanted to do since i was a kid was send me off
She's said it enough i think I'm entilted to stand up for myself.
One time....
If this was a 1 time thing it would be different.
that's why i moved is because of her.
she's mentally abusive in a big way.
i know most of you get along with your parants, and unless you. werre raised
by somone like this i do not think you can understand
No offences to people with "loving parants"
But she has never wanted me all she's wanted to do since i was a kid was send me off
She's said it enough i think I'm entilted to stand up for myself.
One time....
If this was a 1 time thing it would be different.
that's why i moved is because of her.
she's mentally abusive in a big way.
i know most of you get along with your parants, and unless you. werre raised
by somone like this i do not think you can understand

Hey.. as a Dad.. and a Son .. I know I have pissed off my kids.. and my kids have pissed me off.. and I have pissed my dad off and he me..

I have truly let down many people in my life in my past... that I truly care for now and they me.. forgiveness is both good to have done and to do..

you may not understand 100% why she is that way... but you should show compassion for her... and when the time is right.. if she refuses help.. move past it.. keep it out of your life..
Ok so first off you should kno i live with my friend... ok with that said, yesterday was getting food at the store and a call comes in through my boyz phone.... it was my ma yelling at him
(My moms a pos addict) so he yelled back in store then hands me the phone..
Anyway she misplaced one of her she called it a patch but she had the nerve to outright accuse me
and for some reason my friend ??
I lost it in the store and yelled
then proceeded to go to her house to get this straightened out.
well when i got there she tried to yell
and boy oh boy that was it.
i yelled YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKIng LYING DRUG ADDICT i did not nor would i have any

reason to. it continued for about half an hour.
anyways yeah... she pushed me to far she ended up finding the mother fucker and not even apologizing .
i am still beyond pissed i am not a thief and she has no right to say i am.
If it would of been anyone else i would of kicked there head in.
i do not feel bad about as i feel it was well deserved

I hear ya man, I hear you. Hard situation to deal with all the time. You did the right thing by getting out of there. Ignore her, if you can, dont answer calls and let her leave a message, if its really important than go deal with it, otherwise just stay away. Good luck to you and don't let people like this ruin your life.
Its tough love.
No offences to people with "loving parants"
But she has never wanted me all she's wanted to do since i was a kid was send me off
She's said it enough i think I'm entilted to stand up for myself.
One time....
If this was a 1 time thing it would be different.
that's why i moved is because of her.
she's mentally abusive in a big way.
i know most of you get along with your parants, and unless you. werre raised
by somone like this i do not think you can understand

My adoptive mother was a paranoid schizophrenic with burn out features from ECT (electro convulsive therapy). There was simply nothing else to treat Schizophrenia with in the 1950's. In her delusions she thought I was trying to kill her. She told everyone terrible things about me. Both my parents lied about my adoption. I still have no records only hearsay and gossip about my genetics. I would not call my mother (either of them kind). However I still had a duty of care.

Good luck with this, some of us understand more than you believe. Your mom may get sober one day, I wish you hope.
The way i see it, is if you feel this strongly about her, then why do you even listen to a word she sais and not hang up the phone. If you do not hang up the phone, and continue to put up with her shit, i'd have thought you'd do that because she is your mum and you love her, in which case why not try and help her instead of just abusing her back. Either hang up the phone next time, or be constructive, even if it's constructive criticism, but how is having a yelling match going to achieve anything? It quite clearly didn't in this case. why did you have to yell just because she was? you do understand that typically if you shout at a angry person, they'll ust try and shout louder right? You're hardly innocent in this situation.
The way i see it, is if you feel this strongly about her, then why do you even listen to a word she sais and not hang up the phone. If you do not hang up the phone, and continue to put up with her shit, i'd have thought you'd do that because she is your mum and you love her, in which case why not try and help her instead of just abusing her back. Either hang up the phone next time, or be constructive, even if it's constructive criticism, but how is having a yelling match going to achieve anything? It quite clearly didn't in this case. why did you have to yell just because she was? you do understand that typically if you shout at a angry person, they'll ust try and shout louder right? You're hardly innocent in this situation.

That works. Just calmly ask her to phone you back when she's sober or not involved in her drug seeking behavior. Calmly, quietly and kindly set the limit and move along. Nothing else works and good luck. This has to be beyond tough.
Ok so first off you should kno i live with my friend... ok with that said, yesterday was getting food at the store and a call comes in through my boyz phone.... it was my ma yelling at him
(My moms a pos addict) so he yelled back in store then hands me the phone..
Anyway she misplaced one of her she called it a patch but she had the nerve to outright accuse me
and for some reason my friend ??
I lost it in the store and yelled
then proceeded to go to her house to get this straightened out.
well when i got there she tried to yell
and boy oh boy that was it.
i yelled YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKIng LYING DRUG ADDICT i did not nor would i have any

reason to. it continued for about half an hour.
anyways yeah... she pushed me to far she ended up finding the mother fucker and not even apologizing .
i am still beyond pissed i am not a thief and she has no right to say i am.
If it would of been anyone else i would of kicked there head in.
i do not feel bad about as i feel it was well deserved

That's terrible. You should probably just kill her and cash her SS checks.
Hahaha idk about muder and ss checks lol
i think if i can find smoke today ill be good and be able to chill. i had 1 doobie rolled my only one in 3 days and i lost it.. i was saving it for today
Being a parent doesn't grant you the right to treat your kids any way you want and still get your kid's respect and love. If that was the case, then what would love between a parent and child be other than an obligation? If I ever have a kid im gonna earn their respect and love, not demand it. So im not quite sure why you guys freak out over him saying this to his mom and making it out to be like he had no place to say anything. Ive seen step parents treat their non-blood kid better than the kid's actual parent(s). Imo clownfreak had full rights to say what he said to her.. because she deserved it. If she wants to be treated like a mom, act like one.
Believe it or not she may want help. I spent several years eating pain pills like skittles, no seriously like ten at a time. I'm not proud of it. The whole time I prayed for help. I even thought about checking into a clinic. All it would have taken was some one to intervene. Have you thought about an intervention. Most addicts want help. Most will make excuses. Just get some loved ones together and have a meeting. That is your mom, there is only one, when she is gone, she is gone.
And I caught where you said "patch." I'm assuming pain patch. She may be that way for lack of better options. Have you talked to her to find out if its real pain that has turned into addiction? If not talk to her and maybe you can show her the wonderful world of cannabis for pain. There is always two sides to a coin. Just talk to her.