Well Water Question


Well-Known Member
Hi all Happy New Year, I have well water hooked up to a water softener that supplies my house, should I be concerned that the salts from the softener would hurt my soil or the plants, I do have 2 outside spigots that are not connected to the softened supply that I could use but it's winter in Chicago and it's hard to get water from the outside spigots. Thanks for any input.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
You don't want softening salts in you irrigation water. Also well water always has something in it and that 'something' can change as the rains come and move the aquifer around. It is a good idea to have your well water tested for content.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
For grow-ops without water I use a 1500 electric pump and a series of garden hoses and a huge res in a vehicle to get the water in.

I find that in winter as long as the water drains from the hose completely it can be left under the snow or exposed, with the extension cord in my case.

If you wanted it permanent you could go underground from the spigot/water softener source(which may be in the basement) to the grow, or convenient location:)

I find that most people will need a plumber:)


Well-Known Member
Get your well water tested at least 1x time per year its cheap and well worth the effort

often nth merica has serious alkaline residues with well water

yeah remove that alkaline your water will taste better

but then you may well need an industrial supply of magnesium ...? lol