Well ..Some ..."news" ..


Well-Known Member
Technology | Light Generation, White Paper | Oct 23, 2013
[h=1]Latest LRC Program Aims to Fine Tune Light for Greenhouse Crops & Medicinal Plants[/h] Light and plants expert Tessa Pocock, Ph.D., recently joined the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as a senior research scientist, leading the development of a new plant physiology lighting program. Her research focuses on plant photosynthesis, and plant development and regulation by light for traditional greenhouse crops and the emerging field of medicinal plants.
Prior to joining the LRC, Dr. Pocock was director of research at Heliospectra, in Sweden, where she designed light-emitting diode (LED) regimes to reduce energy consumption, produce healthier plants, and improve the quality of greenhouse crops. For the last four years, she has been developing a biofeedback system in which the physiology of the plant regulates the spectrum and intensity of LED arrays, in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology, under a prestigious grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra).

Light is a powerful regulator of plant physiology, affecting flavor and appearance, as well as nutritional and medicinal value. Each wavelength of light has a different effect on plant physiology. For example, plants grown under “blue” light are physiologically different than plants grown under “red” light. And each species of plant has an individual response to different wavelengths as well.

Due to advances in narrowband LED technology, it is now possible to select and deliver a specific wavelength and intensity of light, or different combinations of wavelengths and intensities, resulting in unprecedented control of plant characteristics. A specific wavelength and intensity of light could, for instance, increase the level of antioxidants in salad greens like red leaf lettuce, while a different wavelength and intensity could change the height of poinsettias, or perhaps, increase active compounds in medicinal plants—there are endless possibilities.

“Thanks to recent advances in LED technologies, it is now possible to better elucidate the effects and functions of different portions of the spectrum to manipulate plants with unprecedented control and accuracy,” said Dr. Pocock. “The fine-tuning of light spectra and controlled regulation of plant attributes is adding new sophistication to plant production.”

One of Dr. Pocock’s first projects at the LRC is a study in collaboration with Gotham Greens, a New York City based agribusiness with rooftop greenhouses in Brooklyn. The team will research, evaluate, and model LED and high intensity discharge (HID) greenhouse lighting systems to reduce energy and its associated atmospheric pollution, and improve plant throughput and appearance for higher margins. The study is funded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), which is providing $500,000 through a research and development program targeting improvements in energy efficiency and crop production for controlled environment agriculture, such as greenhouses. This research will identify optimal lighting to increase leafy vegetable production using energy efficient LEDs compared with existing HID fixtures.

Dr. Pocock earned her diploma in horticulture greenhouse management at Olds Agricultural College in Alberta, Canada, and an honors bachelor’s degree in plant science, master’s degree in plant biochemistry, and doctoral degree in environmental stress biology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. She then travelled to Sweden on a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship to study the effect of climate change on algal photosynthesis and stress responses. She is the author of numerous scientific and technical articles related to plant science and the effect of light and temperature on plants, and has presented at more than 20 national and international conferences.

About the Lighting Research Center:
The Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is the world’s leading center for lighting research and education. Established in 1988 by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the LRC has been pioneering research in energy and the environment, light and health, transportation lighting and safety, and solid-state lighting for more than 25 years. In 1990, the LRC became the first university research center to offer graduate degrees in lighting and today the LRC offers both a M.S. in lighting as well as a Ph.D. to educate future leaders in lighting. Internationally recognized as the preeminent source for objective information on all aspects of lighting technology and application, LRC researchers conduct independent, third-party testing of lighting products in the LRC’s state of the art photometric laboratories, the only university lighting laboratories accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP Lab Code: 200480-0). LRC researchers are continuously working to develop new and better ways to measure the value of light and lighting systems, such as the effect of light on human health, and the effect of light on plant physiology. The LRC believes that by accurately matching the lighting technology and application to the needs of the end user, it is possible to design lighting that benefits both society and the environment.

About Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute:
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1824, is the nation's oldest technological university. The university offers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in engineering, the sciences, information technology, architecture, management, and the humanities and social sciences. Institute programs serve undergraduates, graduate students, and working professionals around the world. Rensselaer faculty are known for pre-eminence in research conducted in a wide range of fields, with particular emphasis in biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology, and the media arts and technology. The Institute is well known for its success in the transfer of technology from the laboratory to the marketplace so that new discoveries and inventions benefit human life, protect the environment, and strengthen economic development.

NYSERDA, a public benefit corporation, offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and funding to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. NYSERDA professionals work to protect our environment and create clean-energy jobs. NYSERDA has been developing partnerships to advance innovative energy solutions in New York since 1975. For more information about NYSERDA, visit http://nyserda.ny.gov.

About Gotham Greens:
Gotham Greens is a New York City based agribusiness that builds and operates commercial scale greenhouse facilities in urban areas for fresh vegetable production. Since commencing production in early 2011, Gotham Greens has quickly become one of New York State’s leading producers of premium-quality, greenhouse-grown vegetables and herbs. Gotham Greens’ pesticide-free produce is currently grown in technologically-sophisticated, climate-controlled rooftop greenhouses in Brooklyn, NY. Gotham Greens provides its retail, restaurant, and institutional customers with reliable, year-round supply of premium-quality produce grown under the highest standards of food safety and environmental sustainability.


See ya ...
( From my point of view ...

While most plants use the equilibrium FR:R to determine daylength ....
How come blue light changes morphologically a plant ?
Or in other words :Why a plant changes( dramatically ,I should 've added ) it's morphollogy ,so dependently on blue light radiation ?
For what "climate" the plant is 'preparing' itself under heavy blue radiation or under it's absence ?
Which 'climate parameter ' is the one blue light ,represents as a photomorphogenic stimuli ,to most higher plants ?
If it is not day-length ,(aka day-period ,aka circadian rythms and so on ...) ,what the f .. it is ?

Well ...
Blue light has the unique characteristic of -drastically - dispersing while passing through atmosphere layers ..

Hmmm...I've heard stories of extra short ,extra resinous Indica plants ,way high up to the North India's mountains ....;-)

Blue light for plants ...
Altitude sensing ,most probably ?




Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are a rapidly developing technology for plant growth lighting and have become a powerful tool for understanding the spectral effects of light on plants. Several studies have shown that some blue light is necessary for normal growth and development, but the effects of blue light appear to be species-dependentand may interact with other wavelengths of light as well as photosynthetic photon flux (PPF).

We report the photobiological effects of three types of white LEDs (warm, neutral, and cool, with 11%, 19%, and 28% blue light, respectively) on the growth and development of radish, soybean, and wheat. All species were grown at two PPFs (200 and 500 μmol·m[SUP]−2[/SUP]·s[SUP]−1[/SUP]) under each LED type, which facilitated testing the effect of absolute (μmol photons per m[SUP]−2[/SUP]·s[SUP]−1[/SUP]) and relative (percent of total PPF) blue light on plant development.

Root and shoot environmental conditions other than light quality were uniformly maintained among six chambers (three lamp types × two PPFs). All LEDs had similar phytochrome photoequilibria and red:far red ratios. Blue light did not affect total dry weight (DW) in any species but significantly altered plant development.

Overall, the low blue light from warm white LEDs increased stem elongation and leaf expansion, whereas the high blue light from cool white LEDs resulted in more compact plants. For radish and soybean, absolute blue light was a better predictor of stem elongation than relative blue light, but relative blue light better predicted leaf area. Absolute blue light better predicted the percent leaf DW in radish and soybean and percent tiller DW in wheat. The largest percentage differences among light sources occurred in low light (200 μmol·m[SUP]−2[/SUP]·s[SUP]−1[/SUP]). These results confirm and extend the results of other studies indicating that light quantity and quality interact to determine plant morphology. The optimal amount of blue light likely changes with plant age because plant communities balance the need for rapid leaf expansion, which is necessary to maximize radiation capture, with prevention of excessive stem elongation. A thorough understanding of this interaction is essential to the development of light sources for optimal plant growth and development.


And some -nevertheless- interesting thoughts ......


After reading it all ( Kinda of outdated...),I specially liked the part that says :

'Spectral Power of light from a 95 color rendering index, 3000 K, white chip LED.
This high CRI LED provides a wide spectrum of light with peaks at the preferred wavelengths of chlorophyll. '

...Which is kinda 'up-to-date' ...
And since it 'became' kinda personal .....

Well ,( ALWAYS MY POINT OF VIEW +/- 1% ) ...

Up till now I've 'discovered ' those basic things about led growing .....And mj ,of course ...

- Taking into account factors like radiometric efficiency,power & power losses,spectral quality ,biochemical results and so on ,the best by far
single led that can grow plants is the Warm White phosphor conversion led .
( 2700-3000 K ,80-95 CRI ).

A panel ,a bulb ,a whatever fixture of WW leds can grow most higher plants just as fine as a CFL ,Fluo or HID ...

- Having / Adding blue leds ( kinda problematic though to small scale cultivating,due to their high output powers and dispersing their light ) or common NW
(* Average 75-80 CRI /special 85-95 CRI Neutral white of 4500-5000 K -daylight-),will force the plants to become squatty,dense ,leafy and branchy ...
Somewhat more resinous and/or more smelly/tasty ...(while smoking-vaporing,afterwards ...)

-Adding 640-660 nm reds ,swells the (empty ) seed pods to incredible levels ....
Main root formation is extraordinary also ....
(Too much of these red wls ,and you will not be able to control the height of the plants ....)
Nitrate assimilation drops ...
Potassium needs become extra high ,from the other hand ...
I've also,positive indications that there is A STRONG relationship,
between those reds (640-660 nm ) with the UV-b region ( 280-310 nm ) photon absorbance..
And both strongly impact cannabinoid content ....

Well ..More or less ....

Well .....
In the near future ...
The most simplistic grow-light ,probably will be some sort of a ( High power & CRI ) Warm White led fixture ...

If to make a more 'specialised' ( crop quantity-wise ) led fixture some reds 640-660 & NWs are needed...

Furthermore it can be enhanced ( crop quality-wise ) with the addition of FEW blue & UVb leds ...
Though serious problems must be overcome at such case
( like yellowing / decomposing of plastic parts (including led lenses) and the highly
bio-oxidative radiation ,dispersing it ,and so on ... )
Valoya and OntopX announce cooperation

13 September 2013

Valoya, the leading company in horticultural LED lights and OntopX the leading company in white light LED tubes, announce cooperation. Valoya’s wide spectrum light will now be available in OntopX LED tubes.

Through this cooperation, Valoya’s horticultural customers can enjoy the best T8-LED tube on the market with the best light spectrum for plant. Ontopx is well known for its high quality products in its home market in Germany and all over Europe. Its products have a superior light output (lm/w) and are of very high quality, thus offering a very long use life for the products.

Valoya’s customer can now benefit from a higher than before light output (μmol/watt) and naturally a very long use life, through the high quality. An additional benefit is the dimension of the product. It is a true T8 product, with 26 mm diameter, not only in the middle of the product, but also the end-caps,
which means it can be retro-fitted to any fluorescent tube lamp-holder.
Electronics and power management is based on OntopX years of excellence in LED tube lighting. The LED tubes have Valoya proprietary LEDs with proven patented and pending wide spectrum technology. Valoya wide spectrum LED lights have been available in the tube format already for three years, providing benefits such as energy savings, improved growth and better quality. The tube lights high performance at lower wattage per area compared to traditional light sources also reduces cooling needs.

“The cooperation with OntopX allows us to benefit from the experience, quality and technology, of one of the most reliable and respected LED manufacturers in the world. Their certified manufacturing process and large production capacity ensures supply for Valoya in quickly growing demand. The combination of OntopX fixture technology and our plant spectra make a truly unique product.” says Lars Aikala, CEO of Valoya.

Volume deliveries of the new L-series tubes start in Europe in September. The new L-series lights can be ordered from Valoya, with spectra suitable for vegetative and generative growth as well as special applications like vernalization.


More Here : http://www.valoya.com/products#l-series-near-plant-installation


