welcome to my green house


Active Member
this is a few shots from 3 days ago from inside my green house. its barneys farm G13/haze and G13 labs pure power. im fighting powdery mold and so far winning hopefully all goes well they started flowering around the 17thish of aug there are 2 scrog g13/haze and one i trained im not doing scrog out doors again, too much work and green house is a must in my climate. well i take it back im gonna scrog the church from greenhouse next year cause it doesnt mold. the scrog g13/haze are in 18 gallon totes and are monsters

this is my pure power

my scrog haze

this is my trained haze i grew it pointing north on its side then in the beg of august i turned it and it trained out awesome hardly and maintenance training is the way to go with this strain i have had awesome luck inside with it.


Active Member
im sure you got some breathing vents in ther and not relying on that ac to cool shit down.....good looking flowers...cant wait to se the final product


Active Member
thats not ac thats a dehumidifier im using that and a mix of 1 teaspn baking soda and a 1/4 teaspn epsom salts to 1 liter of water and im just patting the powdery spots with a paper towel. the advanced nute tech sap told me about it. its a daily battle concidering im in the pacific northwest the humidity capitol of fall to summer. im using anti fog wipes to keep the condensation down. my green house is a make shift one i just threw it up my first one. i am venting it well and i have 4 fans in there 2 ocilating and 2 standard im also using an ozone generator to keep down on the air borne mold spores. i stressed the hell out of my scrog plants doubting the whole no stress = good weed thing my buds are great but on the unstressed trained g 13 they are perfict ill get some shots of that one up i looked this morning and they are giant. we have been having 70-80 degree weather which is great this time of year here. i have some 8 foot monsters thats couldnt fit in the green house they are just giant monsters i the buds arent as big or as pretty though. one of em is a pure power and is 9 feet the colas are giant but the rest isnt that big they are in a bad sun spot but there spot is great for no mold i havent seen a trace of it.


Active Member
im sure you got some breathing vents in ther and not relying on that ac to cool shit down.....good looking flowers...cant wait to se the final product
i leave the door open during the day and there is a vent in one end, and the floor isnt sealed off id say the air flow is good