Weird looking buds ??


Well-Known Member
Take a look at this one plant , its buds are growing outward and not filling in , has anyone seen this , anyy suggestions im so confused right now , I almost chopped it down thinking it was a hermie.... Oh BTW im using , 400 watt hps with 6 plants , temps 77 humidity 41 , nutes are super bloom 10-52-10 , epsom salts and a little miracle grow once and a while . they are 5 weeks in to flowering , please any advice , PS last pic is how the rest look , healthy..


Well-Known Member
Hm i have no idea man...To look at the bright side of things that last cola is looking mighty fine.

Maybe set up some kind of Co2 system? It's costly but im sure you can DIY a decent one :mrgreen:

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Why do people hate hermies? You get buds and seeds? No?
I understand that it uses more energy into seeds rather than buds, but to me it seems as if people hate them just as much as bastard males...


Well-Known Member
I would reccomend you start using molasses, 2tbs a gallon to your watering, once week. Hightimes reported it helped the buds swell up to 20% larger. It also helps your plant produce the crystals that we all love.

Also 10-52-10 in my opinion is kinda extreme. I think 10-30-10 would be a better choice or something around there. I wouldnt change this late however, but maybe for next grow.

Goodluck, hope everything goes well = )


Well-Known Member
your buds dont look bad bro. it may be a strain that takes longer to fill in. Any condition can be making your growth a little slower,..but all in all they are growing, and growing fine. the high number in your nute bath, the 50 or 52 is fine. during flowering that middle number can be as high as you can get it. much like in veg your shooting for lots of nitrogem, yuo need lots of phos, your well aware of. so dont let the number scare u. it it the same feed as mine. your buds are bigger,...a little further,..but right on my plants pace.


Well-Known Member
Yeah yours looks right on schedule.. they'll grow out and then start filling in later on.. if you look at my pics in my gallery my ak is doing the same thing.


Well-Known Member
I think that as well as maybe receiving a little less light than the other plants this plant may also have a crappy root system.
Try adding some mycorihazae fungi to your watering or some molasses to boost your roots up a bit:blsmoke: