Weird Harvest-Timing Question

I've already posted pics in the gigantic "is it ready" thread (or whatever the actual title is), but got no response, so... I'm asking here!

This plant (now growing for about 5 months, flowering for something like 9 weeks) is a Serious Seeds AK-47 grown from seed in dirt. I used 5k & 6.5k t5 fluoros for veg, and I'm using compact fluoros and crappy (I know, so sue me, it's what I got) t8 5k fluoros for flowering.

However, to flower this lady, I had to do something strange. My wife doesn't like the weed. I had the plant hidden from her, but she found it and flipped out, and I hadda get it outta the house in a hurry. Since then (beginning of the second week in September) the plant has been in a make-shift little box (2' x 2' x 4') outside. I've been doing my best with temperature control, but at night, it's been getting pretty darn chilly (lowest is around 40 degrees Fahrenheit). Also, the plant has been slow to mature in general (I stupidly wasted a bunch of seeds flailing around like a super-noob and this was the only plant to survive). My assumption is that the exposure to the cold is slowing her development down even MORE, or that it simply shocked her. As a result the plant STILL doesn't look ready. Many of the pistils are still white, and though the great majority of the leaves have turned brown and fallen off, I'm reluctant to harvest early after all this time invested. I'm attaching a picture here. I hope you can see what I described above (that most of the pistils are white). What should I do? Harvest now? Wait longer? I'm happy to wait, I just don't want to wait too long and have her get frozen. Please help!



New Member
Sounds like you know what the answer is already. I would find a way to look at those thrics to help decide. I know one thing for sure, that plant is going to taste really good (because of all your hard work to keep/hide it) - and probably give you a paranoid high ;-)