Weird dots im not used to seeing......


Active Member
So Im a first time grower. Im in day 38 of flowering. The tips of my plants leaves are browing/yellowing up and some leaves are even getting these browing yellowing spots, is this normal because im getting twoards the end. Or is this a nute def, and I need to give some nutes to my plants? Shitty pics below hope it helps. Thanks for the time with any answers.



Active Member
its not mites, im using a botanicare nutes about half the recommended dosage on em, the last water was clean no nute water just PHed. Im confused on this......


Active Member
It might be the beginning of interveinal chlorosis. Here is a guide that helped me with a mg problem.

Here is a google image search of interveinal chlorosis...

If it is a nutrient problem then the next step to diagnosis is to determine if it is a mobile or immobile nutrient that is deficient. Is the symptom starting from new growth (immobile) or old growth (mobile)? This will narrow down your problem.

If it is happening everywhere then i would look at the bottom of your leaves with a magnifying glass and look for mites. Would also do the same if it progresses and the leaf veins don't become more pronounced b/c the area between is dying.

Hope this helped. At least it is a starting point, eh.



Well-Known Member
i have a plant right now that has the SAME EXACT spots, looks identical to my plant. i thought for sure it was bugs too, but its not....i checked under the leaves with a 30x loupe and a 60-100x microscope and saw no bugs. so you guys postin ahead of me may be wrong..

looks like calcium deficiency. heres a link


Active Member
The tent has just been through 3 sprays of eistien oil, Ive looked with a 30-60x mag no mites, Ive seen mites before personally and their dmg it isnt mites. Ill look into calcium def but ill see how they look tonite if its progressed or what. Thanks for the help ill post later with what I find.


Active Member
Sometime sunshine #4, which I use is a little acidic. Can be anywhere from 4.5-6.5ph. They guarantee on the website that it is a least 5.5ph, but i've read sometimes it is lower. However, you are far along and have not show issue. Did you repot? Here is the lockout chart for nutrients if it is not a mite issue.

View attachment 1009189

mediums usually gain alkalinity as the plants use nutrients. This is the trend at least. hope this helps.



Active Member
oh fuck no on the miracle grow none of that shit near my babies, but I am going with the a Cal / Mag def. Ive been PHing a little on the lower side so my PH might have dropped a bit this next water I PHed a little higher and added my a little higher dosage of the cal/mag. Ill see how it goes thanks everyone for the great help.