weird buildup on rockwool...


This may be nothing but salt buildup but I just wanted to post it and make sure :neutral:

I noticed this really started building up after I just recently moved across town to a new bigger room. I'm using the full line of Cutting Edge Nutrients LLC and last week I just started using a very low doseage of MOAB (mother of all bloom) as I'm switching over from 18/6 to 12/12 for flowering starting today.

The thing that has me worried is I think it MIGHT be fungus - maybe they came in contact with some nasty spores while i was transporting them or something. I had a TINY TINY bit on one leaf back like week 2 or 3, so i treated them all with Green Cure and it went away and my Kushage has been happy as can be ever since.

the white stuff is kinda soft... i cant tell if its powdery mildew or salt buildup as this is my first grow...



Well-Known Member
You are going to get salt buildup on rockwool every time.

Powdery mildew happens on the plants.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the answer NLX, ive been wondering about that too. i was in my buddies room and noticed that white stuff on every cube he had. i didnt want to criticize his grow so i just kept my mouth shut...but is it bad when the white starts to mold and turn green?


thanks for the reassurance dude. upon closer look and comparison to the buildup in the reservoir its just salt.


Well-Known Member
It would be a good idea to block the light with a small skirt or square of something. That way the plant does not have to compete with the algae for nutrients.

It will not kill the plant if you leave it alone however.