week old plant advice?


Active Member
i agree with Mr. Gangja, plz tell me u didnt use Miracle-Gro, bc it looks like the organic miracle grow shit.....use Happy Frog or Foxfarm or even Nectar #4 and they will thrive under the right light.....what kinda light/ventilation/feed u plan on using??
That's seedling starter soil all ir needs is perlite. The plant looks ok. Foxfarm trio has given me wonderfully nice buds. The plant looks good and doesn't appear burnt to me. Maybe a tad bu nothing serious u could proly flush about four times and b ok if u dont have any happy frog


New Member
did you really forget password or did you realise that growing in soil inside is not growing hydro? still youre plants looks better than mine I only grown carmel cream auto and it dide after two weeks with 38watting cfl
Id only flush if ur sure its nute burn. I personally doubt it since its mg seedling starter soil. Damn near nothing but mulch so I'd ride it out till sh gets about four nodes then transplant I to foxfarm ocean forrest or happy frog with foxfarm trio nutes ( big bloom,grow big, tiger bloom) and why lights u tryk n to flower with?


New Member
did you really forget password or did you realise that growing in soil inside is not growing hydro? still youre plants looks better than mine I only grown carmel cream auto and it dide after two weeks with 38watting cfl
Haha funny as dude no i legit forgot it and when i retreive it dosnt let me