week 8 flower. Burn or Deficiency?


Active Member
This is my 3rd post on this little (BIG) problem i'm having.

Plants: 10 gallon and 5 gallon with Roots Organics 707 with 5ml Master Feeding Schedule.

post#1 https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/685327-week-8-lots-dying-leaves.html
post#2 https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/686918-week-8-flower-nute-burn.html

Im on week 8 of flower with week 9 of flush ahead of me. However, by week 6.5 I stated noticing Clawing, Drying, Yellowing and Dying leaves. At first i though it was the plants natural cycle of soaking up the leaves last nutrients, but it just kept getting worse and worse.

A lot of people said it was Nute Burn which i really thought it was. At first i was feeding the 10 gallon pot 2 gallons of Nutrient Mix every Thursday night and the 5 gallon pot 1 gallon of nutrient mix. By Monday or Tuesday i would feed it pure R.O water set @ around pH 6.2-3; 1 gallon for the 10pot and half a gallon for the 5pot. then i waited for Thursday to feed again with nutes.

Everything was Fucking Phenomenal:

_DSC6718.jpg_DSC6720.jpg_DSC6722.jpg_DSC6975.jpg_DSC6976.jpg Look how nicely those leaves are pointing up!!!

then this shit started to happen after i added one more gallon of nute mix to each pot around week 6 of flower. 3 for the 10 and 2 for the 5; every Thursday. Monday or Tuesday came pure R.O water.
Notice the Purple Stems._DSC7042.jpg_DSC7043.jpg_DSC7044.jpg


Thinking it was Nute Burn, I Flushed it this Past Sunday afternoon. 12 gallons of pure R.O. water for the 10 gallon and 8 gallons of R.O for the 5 gallon. I was expecting to get brown-tan runoff, but it was mostly clear runoff.

Doing more extensive research (which i should have done in the first place), It looks more like Phosphorus Deficiency (https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/488004-guide-nutrient-deficiency-toxicity.html) which HyRoot (https://www.rollitup.org/members/hyroot-319672.html) mentioned as well on my 2nd post. But i shrugged it off cuz these symptoms starting showing up when i started feeding them that extra gallon of nute mix.

so ... now

they been chillin without anything in them since i flushed them Sunday afternoon. and Remember that i had just fed them this Past Thursday.

WTF should i do? should i feed them the nutes that i have that are high in Phosphorus? Let it ride till i chop them down next week? Will they DIE?

Plus, I was really hoping that those buds would be fatter than they are now since they are in 10 and 5 gallon pots. WTF!

sorry if im sounding like an immature, snotty asshole; just that i've put a lot of hard work into them these past 4 months, and now this shit.

Please, any help and/or constructive criticism. Please.

thank you;




Active Member
I'm not an expert but it looks like nute burn, the fan leaves are still dark green, a good indication the plant isn't sucking the N from them to complete the buds (as all plants do at the end of their cycle). However you can clearly see browning/yellowing of the leaves in a nonstandard pattern (standard is from the tip) this leads me to believe the nutes were too strong and the plant hated it. Flush, Flush, Flush again then re-PH your water and mild nutes (1/4 usual). Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
You should only flush if you have toxic salt buildup. If you didn't and you flushed, you washed out all the nutrients in the soil. Then the plant became deficient. If your soil doesn't have excellent drainage, they could be overwatered as well.

You need to know the EC of the nutrient solution you use and the runoff as well as the pH of both in order to really diagnose a problem.

As it stands, you have plants at the peak of their lives sitting in wet soil with no nutrients. They look overwatered and when they balance of water is off, the plant cannot efficiently transpire or take up nutrients.

I would let the pots dry up a bit and feed them with a complete fertilizer that includes micronutrients. Dont feed them "bloom boosters" feed them something with a more equal level of NPK.


New Member
Looks like the ph is off and wind burnt maybe. With a week left pick the ugly shit off flush and get her done.