week 6 flower and looking a bit sick, any advice??


New Member
3 PK 3 super silver haze and 1 blueberry in soil under kind led xl1000

using flora bloom nutes at about 1200 ppm. have been adding micro as well to try and fill any deficiencies but there has been no change. ph is usually 6.5 - 7 i am having a hard time keeping it down closer to 6 but i dont think ph would be the problem. plants have lots of water if anything maybe a bit to much since i have been working on getting the ph down and such. there was no yellowing until the past week or so and havent changed much other than upping the nutes from about 900 to 1200 and they only seemed to get more yellow, i thought it was just shedding leaves but it seems to be getting out of hand lol the burning look on those smaller bud clusters has been going on for a while but it didnt seem to affect the buds at that time, now they are also getting out of hand.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a cal/mag problem.I'd flush and and then water them with ph at 6.5 with Epsom salt.some one might have a better idea.what soil are you using? Did you add any dolomite lime to the soil?


New Member
Just regular gardening soil and no additives to it. I thought it was a micro nutrient of some sort that's why I mixed in some flora micro but no such luck. With a flush of plain water should I be worried of over watering or prolonging their need for nutes?