Week 6 and not flowering???


New Member
Hi everyone ive got a problem and I cant seem to find an answer ANYWHERE!!

Ive got 9 Kalashnikova from GH seeds in a wilma setup and they have been in 12/12 for about 6 weeks with very little sign of flowering. I mean they have some tiny popcorn after 2 weeks like they started but nothings happened for about 4 weeks.

In another wilma I have 10 of "the doctor" also from GH seeds and they are flowering nicely so i dont see how there can be a light leak. each of the 2 wilmas get fed the same nutirent solution of 60 litre res: canna: 180ml a&b and 150ml boost.

How is this happening i just dont understand, my room is pretty well set up no issues with temp or humidity.

I have the kalash under a 400whps and the doctor under a 600w hps. does using 2 different intensities of light make a difference i wonder?

I am stumped so any advice will be greatfully received.

thanks a million in advance


Well-Known Member
I've ran this strain thru clones and seeds several times and the bud stays pretty small till the last week or 2. It also tends to need a little longer than everything else. If you don't have any light leaks it's probably this. just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
light leaks should not make a difference,they should still start budding then get stressed 2-3 weeks in and show male parts,unless its not a leak just LIGHT lol check your timer


New Member
If I have a light leak how come the others are still budding? It's totally dark in there. I even covered the led lights on extensions and dehumidifiers


Well-Known Member
I have four strains right now. Some bloom faster than others and some grow bigger flowers than others. It could be the strain.

As for light leaks causing problems.... In my own experience small light leaks make no difference in flowering. Outdoor growers can't stop the moon and stars and I can't stop the guy behind my house from using his metal halide yard light. My outdoor light dep has 50-60 golf ball sized holes that allow light in and I have had zero issues with flowering.


Active Member
6 weeks u should have huge buds. Throw away and get a better setup. If they that small u prolly get 2 grams a plant. 90 days and 3 electric Bills for 2 gs? Lol if u have 5 thousand plants u should ne ok

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Well-Known Member
Its probably just the strain, and its genetics. It may take longer to finish and it will fill right in. Don't worry about it.. When you go in the room have positive vibes, it helps. Good luck