week 5 of flowering, how close to harvest?

2013-07-01 21.04.03.jpg2013-07-01 21.03.04.jpg2013-07-01 21.03.49.jpg2013-07-01 21.02.16.jpg2013-07-01 21.02.51.jpg

my girls are on week 5 of flowering just looking for a bit of feed back and any hints and tips are apprciated! just wondering how much longer till harvest?? im geussing another 3-4 weeks?


Active Member
if you are at week 5 you definitely need a few more weeks at least. however theres also got to be something going on with your plants since all the hairs are red. they should be white at this point and there should be lots more. what are you feeding?
no nutes whatso ever, the only thing i had to hand was miricle grow but decided against usuing it cause ive heard mixed reviews on it. Although i left for a weekend away a couple weeks ago and had a friend look after them whilst i was gone, and he feed them miricle grow and the bastard burnt them. what do you think is going on?
theres 2 planst on the go in the pics, only 1 plant is showing signs of burn though, the other plant seemed to of came of without a scratch! they both got flushed at the weekend aswell to give them a good clean out. but they both seemed to be stunted at the mo though!?!?!


Active Member
sounds like your buddy overfed them. if you have nothing else on hand miracle grow will work great, even though lots of people here will rip you apart for using it, it is fine. just dont go overboard with it.
yeah he did, was real fucking pissed to come back to find them real burned! only asked him to give them a little water to..... lesson learned! so use the miricle grow yeah? il wait a couple days. i just flushed them on sunday and theyre still quite moist