Week 5 of Flower no Trichs showing any help Pics included

I am in week 5 of flowering some bag seed on my first grow.
My 2 other plants are showing Trichs but this one is not.
Should I be worried?? How will I tell when she is ready?
Any help is appreciated.



Active Member
Maybe because the seeds are from bad genetics..Them plants dont look bad....What kinda bag seed? schwag?
And is this plant near a light leak? ive had 4 plants all the same strain and one never developed trichs i believe because of light leaks


sativa strains can take upto 12 - 14 weeks to finish flowering my friend, ur patience will be rewarded


Well-Known Member
Not all seeds hit the genetic lottery. With a batch of 10 seeds you'll get 3-5 males, and the rest will be female. Of those females you'll get 1-2 super females worth keeping. Thats why it's key you clone your best females or make seed stock out of them.

P.S. you're also growing bag seed so you shouldn't expect much.


Well-Known Member
looks like some mexican sativa..... those dont get very kiefy, and what kief they do have is put on the last 2 weeks of flowering or so...
My 1st grow so what better way to practice than with bagseed.
Thanks for looking.
I have some northern lights ready to go after these.