week 4 progress and a brown spot or two


Active Member
Hi everyone,

This Sunday will be wrapping up the 4th week. Here is a 2 week seedling pic and then as of today. I noticed a few brown spots but only on a few of the lower leaves..not sure if I got water on them while watering and the light "burnt" them or if someone with more experience can educate me on it that would be great.

I started nutes this week at 25% and worked up to 50% for today's feeding. Then ill get to 75% and finally reach 100% by end of next week. I alternate plain water and nute feedings (I was told too by locals). and follow a pretty hefty nutes feeding that I will be creating a separate thread for after this.

I will also be topping today as well as they are all between 4 and 5 nodes.

Comments and input are welcome, thank you


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Active Member
Here is my nute schedule below. I have them growing in a 50/50 of a foxfarm low nutrient soil (happy frog I believe - its a brown and white bag.) and pro-mix.

thanks for your help

added:: I watered today .. 2 gallons of water with nutes at 50% as listed

last time I watered with nutes i did 3 gallons. 2 with nutes at 25%, and the 3rd was plain water and they seemed very overwatered for the next day and a half.. so i went a bit lighter this time with next to no run off after watering



Active Member
copied from another board ::

So when I added everything on the advanced cycle to the gallon of water at 50% strength the ppm read 374ppm. I use really good water that goes through 9 stages (one i recently learned this week is reverse osmosis, hence the cal mag needed to be added back to the water)

So when at a full strength, a gallon should be around the 750s for ppm if I just double it...I am glad you like what you have used with them.. This is my first run so its my first go around with everything lol but I appreciate people like everyone who contributed to helping out. Communities like this are amazing!

But after a trip to a different local shop, thanks to them btw, they gave their opinion as cal mag deficiency of off pics without me saying anything. I picked up cal-mag by botanicare. I was told to add 5ml to a gallon for dosing.

Can someone with experience confirm the dosing?
Since I did a light watering yesterday with no run off, do I whip up a quick gallon of cal mag only and add a bit to each today, or do I let them dry out completely and add this to the regimen of nutes in 4 or 5 days because the next watering tomorrow or Monday is scheduled to be just plain water and nutes again 2-3 days after that so I am looking at Thursday-ish for nutes with cal-mag if I wait.

incase you were curious hotrod, thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
You're using smart pots so don't worry a lot about overwatering. Do water until runoff to assure the medium is wet thoroughly. Also aerate the medium. A lot of products you are using are unnecessary and add to the EC/PPM. Suggest cutting out all but the top nutes but keep the cal mag.


Active Member
Thanks hotrod,

Do you think I should go back in to basically "finish" watering them today with the cal-mag in there? They are lightly damp as I used 2 gallons yesterday between the 12 of them.

Or should I wait until they are bone dry again in a day or so follow protocol with plain water (or plain water with at least cal-mag to get that in to their system), let that dry and then water a few days later with the nutes? (seems to long to wait to add the cal mag as I am typing it out)

basically just need some guidance on when and how to introduce the cal-mag if you would be able to give advice on that I would appreciate it, thanks