Week 10 no preflowers


Well-Known Member
that plant looks terrible... what is the drainage like in your pot? it looks like its overwatered or there is not enough oxygen getting to the roots for some reason


Well-Known Member
I agree with Nizmo. Please transplant her asap. Check for balls and if none, give her a couple for weeks. Depending on region, say Midwest...it should start flowering already.IMG_20150830_150330302_HDR.jpg


Active Member
The pot looks far too small for the plant, that's why the leaves are droopy and may be why it hasn't flowered yet.
You will need at least 2 people to help you transplant into a bigger pot. Don't try to do it yourself
Go to a hydroponics store and buy some perlite, it's very cheap.
Get a big pot too maybe like 30gal+ and more soil, whatever you're using now
Put a 1 inch layer of perlite on the bottom of the pot and then with your soil, make it a 60-40 soil-perlite mix

How long is there daylight for where you are?
Plants flower when there is more than ~10 hours of darkness per day in their schedule

If there is more than 10 hours darkness in your plant's schedule, it's because the plant needs to be transplanted asap or it will probably die