Weeds Keep Us Going


[FONT=&quot]Many people say that marijuana is bad for us…that it is bad for our health…Hell no. My girlfriend and I are weed addicts and we are normal individuals. Our passion for life keeps flaming. Yeah. :fire:


That's right...as long as there is air to breath and weeds under the sheets....the passion is overflowing.


Well-Known Member
I mean I love weed as much as the next guy but if you have to say "weed keeps us going" then you have a problem.


I mean I love weed as much as the next guy but if you have to say "weed keeps us going" then you have a problem.
I can understand why someone could say that.

The health benefits outweigh the negatives. In addition to the normal med. effects the past couple of days I have been sick with a flu. It sucks, aches, pain, etc. But when I smoke it makes me feel a lot better.


Well-Known Member
food keeps us going because we need food. if you grow your own herb and smoke 24/7, but still function as a normal person (ie. not acting like Reefer Madness) then i dont see any problem. Alot of people are depressed and weed can make them chill and better off, so whats the problem? i dont drink or pop pills, but i puff puff ganja all day long, and if im addicted to weed, who gives a fuck? my addiction cost zero dollars and pays me by making life more awesome


[FONT=&quot]Many people say that marijuana is bad for us…that it is bad for our health…Hell no. My girlfriend and I are weed addicts and we are normal individuals. Our passion for life keeps flaming. Yeah. :fire:
Great, you're weed addicts and everythings fine...until you have to stop, or until you're out for 3 days. Just by saying you're addicted you mean that you continually need it to be happy, which if that's the case, you shouldnt be smoking as much. You should experience everything while you're on earth, not one great thing all the time.