Weed Wars


Just checking in to share a new game with all you stoners. Its best weed game I have seen in a while

Weed Wars! <--- click here... I need more customers

Let me know what you guys think of it

ken 2010

that link takes you to facebook and have to disclose all personal information to play it dont think many people on here want to do that so not a good idea dont mean to mess you post up but this is a bad idea and a dodgie thread.


I challenge you to find an app on facebook that doesn't request info sharing :p

I dont think facebook will share any info that is too personal... just your name and picture


Well-Known Member
You're asking for peoples private information. You could be a cop for all we know. Especially since that is your first post on this forum, why would anyone want to share that with you. On top of that someone else signed up and made their first post to the forum not even 30 minutes after you in almost the same exact message as yours. So I think it's spam. If not I apologize but it sure reeks of spiced ham.