weed grows year round right?

ok so i someone i know was growing in there backyard and had a mother plant when they moved out of the house they took all the buds of the budded mother plant but left the plant in the ground and cut it down a little and they left it at the house because they thought it was dead but when they whent back to the house the plant was green again and had some little leafs on it

they didnt really want it so they gave it to me said maby you can bring it to life

so can i re veg it and bud it again. oh and i did smoke the buds from the plant originally and it was bomb do you guys think it will come out just as good it i take care of it good


Well-Known Member
Outdoor daylight is too short to reveg it, under artificial light you want at least 18 hours on. And expect it to take up to month to start revegging, dependant on the genetics and condition of the plant and environment