Webs? Is this Garbage?


Active Member
Im not even sure where to start with this. I dont have any pictures because the plant has already been torn down.

I've just completed my second grow. About 2 weeks ago, I tore down 2 of the plants, and hung them to dry. One of the plants, had this INSANE bud on it! It was 13 inches long and 8 inches in girth. Anyhow.. its all dry and i just finished removing it all from the branches and jar it up for myself. That insane bud, when i went to pull it apart, inside of it was this like, crystal-like almost.. webbing? Im not sure what this is.. and couldnt grab the camera. I've seperated it from my other bud just because, i dont know if this is garbage? Did mites slip passed me? I checked everything on a DAILY basis. The only problem i had was with ladybugs (in the spring, we get ALOT of them, and they get in my house) I wasnt sure if they'd harm the plant so i'd just remove them. Do i have to trash this bud?


Active Member
naa i wudnt think u should trash it u should spray it or kill em sumhow, they affect ur plant more so i would think smoking them would be the least of the problem.


Well-Known Member
they're gone if the buds are dried up, may be that or possibly an actual spider's web remnants left inside there... Spider's predate all my outdoor plants because of the mass of insects in our Hot Humid cimate! I'd smoke em, they're tiny little things, can't hurt, and i'm sure before you grew you smoked shit that had all kinds of strange critters and organic matter in it! Also... LADYBUGS>>> NEVER KILL THEM!!!! they are the shit, they eat aphids like a starving kid on a filet mignon! and they usually dont show up in swarms unless there is plentiful amounts of food for them to eat. insecticidal sprays will kill them so be careful, they wont do any harm to yoru plant at all. They're the good guys that you want on your team... some people even buy them because aphids are so hard to get rid of. goodluck man and enjoy that webbud! haha


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I guess i'll just light it up and see what happens..lol This was an indoor grow. I never knew that with the ladybugs!!! hahahaa i cant wait to tell my husband that.. he used to go nuts picking ladybugs off every morning! lol Anyhow.. thanks again guys.. i'll let you know how it smokes :)

they're gone if the buds are dried up, may be that or possibly an actual spider's web remnants left inside there... Spider's predate all my outdoor plants because of the mass of insects in our Hot Humid cimate! I'd smoke em, they're tiny little things, can't hurt, and i'm sure before you grew you smoked shit that had all kinds of strange critters and organic matter in it! Also... LADYBUGS>>> NEVER KILL THEM!!!! they are the shit, they eat aphids like a starving kid on a filet mignon! and they usually dont show up in swarms unless there is plentiful amounts of food for them to eat. insecticidal sprays will kill them so be careful, they wont do any harm to yoru plant at all. They're the good guys that you want on your team... some people even buy them because aphids are so hard to get rid of. goodluck man and enjoy that webbud! haha