weather to cold?


Well-Known Member
here is a pic of the 10 day forecast. looks like next week there will be a period of about 30 degrees f for about 12 hours. do the outdoor grow gurus think this will kill them.
1 only have 2 that are ready to harvest. the others are weeks out.
here is a pic of the 10 day forecast. looks like next week there will be a period of about 30 degrees f for about 12 hours. do the outdoor grow gurus think this will kill them.
View attachment 4720790
1 only have 2 that are ready to harvest. the others are weeks out.
View attachment 4720791
Nice plants. I wouldn’t panic on 30f or 29f. The main thing is to get them to dry off if it does frost as early as possible. Though If you haven’t seen any mold yet, I’ll bet you’ll be fine. I am In Northern Ontario and let mine get hit with a few frosts before I pulled it/ brought In at night. I say leave em man, those numbers aren’t that bad yet.
Bud rot is going to be your biggest worry. Trees around me havent dropped nearly that many leaves and everyone has harvested already. With that weather forecast, I would harvest tomorrow. You get what you get, better than a bunch of mold.
so far i have been lucky on the rot. i have only found a couple worms and have trimmed maybe a quarter oz of rot. i may harvest 3 plants early and the others i will try and let them go longer. thanks for the input.
theyll be ok. like everyone has mentioned before, the damn water is more of a threat. i know it sounds insane, but use a leaf blower gently to knock off water that resides within, or gently shake them. if they cant handle 1 30* night, at least it will let you know that they need to come down sooner & you can start prepping for drying & trimming.
I would keep an eye on it myself If it’s not ready yet. If you can cover from rain that would be best but I don’t see why you can’t ride it out for a little while longer and watch for any mold and act accordingly. Either way though, your time is coming to an end for this season.
I would try covering them. Its worked for me many, many times.
Good luck friend!
I can tell you that after growing out doors from Sault St, Marie to Jackson in our wonderful state. Temps below 34-35 are detrimental after 18 hours or so with no sun to heat. I use cotton sheets under plastic tarp if rain is involved. A white sheet so to still get light if I can't pull. And added thermal barrier. A leaf blower on low dries plants quick and easy. If really going into the upper 20's - low 30's I use submersible aquarium heaters in 4 gallon stock "soup" pans with water on a 5 gallon pail under the plastic close to the plant. 1 pot 2 plants. Set heater to 85 -95 F. Cheap, easy and safe outdoors with a baggy around the plug.
I can tell you that after growing out doors from Sault St, Marie to Jackson in our wonderful state. Temps below 34-35 are detrimental after 18 hours or so with no sun to heat. I use cotton sheets under plastic tarp if rain is involved. A white sheet so to still get light if I can't pull. And added thermal barrier. A leaf blower on low dries plants quick and easy. If really going into the upper 20's - low 30's I use submersible aquarium heaters in 4 gallon stock "soup" pans with water on a 5 gallon pail under the plastic close to the plant. 1 pot 2 plants. Set heater to 85 -95 F. Cheap, easy and safe outdoors with a baggy around the plug.
Thanks for the tip I’ve been contemplating a way to keep em going out without having to drag it in and out of my garage lol.
Thanks for the tip I’ve been contemplating a way to keep em going out without having to drag it in and out of my garage lol.
You are welcome. I went greenhouse mid grow. Police imposed. But still a tough finish after our extended veg sun this year. Good luck. I'm pulling the plug Monday. Snow and rain temps in the thirties. No thanks. $10 a day for kerosene now at mid 40's. Was a good year all in all. Just rough sudden end. 001.jpg005.jpg
Off subject. Apologies.

I still use snail mail and state issued ID numbers to communicate with some good friends. Don't I know.
Nah man i got a good laugh out of that one. "Sir im going to have to ask you to put a thin layer of plastic over your drugs." Turns out they did you a huge favor with that "enforcement"
Nah man i got a good laugh out of that one. "Sir im going to have to ask you to put a thin layer of plastic over your drugs." Turns out they did you a huge favor with that "enforcement"
Massive PM with stuffing 15' of width into a 10' space. Extreme defol and about 35-45% loss of yield. Over a grand in parts. Hundreds of hours and insane mad scientist scmitt to keep it alive. No favors. TY. My grow was as planned and almost perfect.TY though. It could be worse. I could be getting those letters with my number on them instead of my name. LOL. 001.jpg
Massive PM with stuffing 15' of width into a 10' space. Extreme defol and about 35-45% loss of yield. Over a grand in parts. Hundreds of hours and insane mad scientist scmitt to keep it alive. No favors. TY. My grow was as planned and almost perfect.TY though. It could be worse. I could be getting those letters with my number on them instead of my name. LOL. View attachment 4722253
Yeah that kinda sucks. Your privacy fence seems plenty adequate. I think fall would have been hell on them without the greenhouse though.