Weather forecast models and websites


Well-Known Member
Share your favorite forecasting methods or weather websites you rely on most.
This is my favorite weather site currently. Surface temp and precipitation. I look at jetstream too sometimes to see the bigger picture.
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There is a limited amount of forecasting stuff cuz there's only so many modeling software out there for them to use. I think it's like 5 or 6 and they all spit out wildly different forecasts the farther into the future you go.
So far this one has beaten my phones built in weather app by a mile every week but I'm old and stuck in my ways. That's not a good thing, so maybe there's better things I or you are not aware of out there.
Hello everyone
So this website, is not the best at forecasting, but it does show an amazing amount of information......
As a former truck driver, it kept me out of alot of trouble. I do use it everyday, to look at the wind, rain, snow, temps,. It is completely free to use, but does also have a subscription schedule you can get on to get even more tools to use.
Made by a wind surfer.
I've been using the website Weather Underground (wunderground) for years, since at least 2004, probably before. It works well for me in my current location, in particular it's usually strikingly accurate when it comes to when precip will start.