Ways to prop up large plants that are growing sideways?

Hey, so I've got about 5 or 6 plants that are each about 3 or 4 feet tall at this point, but for whatever reason they lean to the side a lot and its wasting precious space, and I imagine it will only get worse once I start flowering. I'm finishing up eradicating a spider mite infestation so I ruled out Tomato Cages, which were my first choice, because they would be too hard to take on and off when I have to spray the plants with neem oil solution. When the crooked plants are wet, they lean very far and sometimes look like they might just snap. Putting a stick in the soil and tying it to them isn't really an option because the soil for each of them is completely saturated with roots at this point. Any ideas or suggestions about how to prop up my babies and keep them straight would be much appreciated, thank you


Well-Known Member
If there are as many roots as you say, I think you're safe using a stake in there to tie to. Use a small diameter plant stake and it should go in just fine. Don't put it in right next to the main stem, do it a couple inches away. I've seen plants with 10+ stakes all coming out of the same pot to hold up budding stalks. Maybe I'm just not understanding why you don't want to stake it up. If your plant is already leaning in veg. stage, it is going to fall over completely once it gets those heavy buds on it.