Ways to prevent tripping breaker?


New Member
May sound newbish but what ways can I prevent my breaker from tripping. I will be using one circuit and I am afraid I might pull to much amperes causing it to trip.

Any suggestions, I would be running two 600 MH and HPS with 4 fans and other items.


Well-Known Member
May sound newbish but what ways can I prevent my breaker from tripping. I will be using one circuit and I am afraid I might pull to much amperes causing it to trip.

Any suggestions, I would be running two 600 MH and HPS with 4 fans and other items.
watts = volts X amps

figure out what is on that circuit, do the math and go from there


New Member
I am quite aware of the forumala and postive the breakers will trip. Just need to know exactly how to resolve the issue.


Well-Known Member
I am quite aware of the forumala and postive the breakers will trip. Just need to know exactly how to resolve the issue.
Quit overloading the circuit would be the first step. And if you have to ask if a electrician should do it or if you can, then you certainly dont need to be doing it. Just a little constructive criticism here.:peace:
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Well-Known Member
Too bad you don't have good ol' fuses.. Coins would solve that 'particular' problem quick..:)
Minimally you need to split your load with an extension cord, a better idea would be to run heavier wire from a different (minimally loaded) breaker's outlet that you can spare and stick an outlet on the end, best advice is to do it right like mentioned above..
I wouldn't wire from the breaker-box without experience, but running good wire from an existing outlet is easy if you mind proper connections.. If you have aluminum wiring, read up on that, and use copper pigtails with OX-GARD, and proper ACS #65 marrettes (Good advice on all outlets with Al wiring).. Then you'd just have to mind plugging things like vacuums etc into the breaker you forwarded..


Well-Known Member
damn dude u tryin to burn the place down.get a electrian its so easy to put a breaker in and run a wire but if u have to ask how udont need to be doing it.due u even know how to do a amp draw are have a amp meter??

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i am having a friend wire me a breaker in my room. i would get somebody to do it as you don't want to be found dead in your grow room.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Too bad you don't have good ol' fuses.. Coins would solve that 'particular' problem quick..:)
Are you a fucking idiot? If this is the best advice you are giving out, dont. This is what gets people killed. Its bad enough that you even suggested this, but there are people that will actually listen to this half-assed way of "fixing" a problem.
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Well-Known Member
It was a joke (and a really, really old one at that).. Thats why it had the quotes around 'particular', and the smiley face.. And did you notice there was more in my reply beyond where you quoted/read to?? Furthermore, that can't exactly be called advice since he doesn't have fuses, can it?..


New Member
Are you a fucking idiot? If this is the best advice you are giving out, dont. This is what gets people killed. Its bad enough that you even suggested this, but there are people that will actually listen to this half-assed way of "fixing" a problem.

I agree, I do restoration work that uses equipment that takes up alot of amps. I thought a quick resolution would to run a cable from a different circuit.

I just thought if i had a electrician come out it might sound suspicous for a closet to have that. plus thee home being a rental as well, still wouldnt mind spending the money.

I guess I thought there would be something similiar to the spider box where you have to hook up where your dryer outlet is. Just not as big I guess.

What would I be looking at in a round about ball park figure for electrician to do the work?


Well-Known Member
I agree, I do restoration work that uses equipment that takes up alot of amps. I thought a quick resolution would to run a cable from a different circuit.

I just thought if i had a electrician come out it might sound suspicous for a closet to have that. plus thee home being a rental as well, still wouldnt mind spending the money.

I guess I thought there would be something similiar to the spider box where you have to hook up where your dryer outlet is. Just not as big I guess.

What would I be looking at in a round about ball park figure for electrician to do the work?
IF the electrician asks why in a closet, just tell him its none of his biz, or its for home theater equp.


Well-Known Member
jam a penny in it!!

I don't think you said if it's a 15 or 20 amp circuit. a 600 watt lamp uses about 5 amps. add a few small fans and pumps, you should still be ok on a 15 amp circuit. if you have problems, you might have more then you know of on that one circuit, like other rooms in the house.


Well-Known Member
Look,all this electricity voodoo where guys think they need an electrician to wire a simple breaker is nonsense,hell if that moron bob vila can do it anybody can because he's a fool.

It'll cost $300 to $500 to have an electrician wire a simple 20 amp outlet or about $50 to do it your self,go to home depot & spend $20 on a basic wiring book & read it,at the end of the book you'll know all yoiuu ever need to know about wiring grow rooms.

Ive been a tradesman 30 years now & yes this shit is really that easy.


Well-Known Member
Look,all this electricity voodoo where guys think they need an electrician to wire a simple breaker is nonsense,hell if that moron bob vila can do it anybody can because he's a fool.

It'll cost $300 to $500 to have an electrician wire a simple 20 amp outlet or about $50 to do it your self,go to home depot & spend $20 on a basic wiring book & read it,at the end of the book you'll know all yoiuu ever need to know about wiring grow rooms.

Ive been a tradesman 30 years now & yes this shit is really that easy.
But some people are dangerous with a screwdriver in their hands.
(had to laugh at my bro in law. Had band aides in his cordless drill box)


Well-Known Member
If you own the place ...easy enough without suspicion...

If you decide to do it to avoid all bad possibilities while power is on first wire your new outlet with proper gauge wire for the amperage on that circuit. Get it near the Breaker box ask the power company to shut off your power... Test it FIRST then wire the new breaker as per a home depot/Lowes/Menards guide.

I am fairly handy and have wired a couple new 20 amp circuits on 12 gauge wire and secured... code is something like stapled or secured every 4 feet???? But instead of wiring at my apartment for suspicion reasons...for my particular grow room I opted to piggy back off a 15 amp living room circuit and to use a dedicated 20 amp circuit from my laundry room. I probably have about 30-32 usable amps for growing.

It isn't rocket science but neither is shutting off your power while doing it- otherwise hire an electrician. Tell them it's your new sex toy room.



Active Member
I just added a 2 15 amps to my bsmnt, took 2 hrs and cost about 215$ that's paying the electrian 100$,the material were 115$ , lol, so now i have a 220 and 110 , its awesome i can now put anything on there without worrying about the breakers . I love it.and no more fire hazard. i have a fire extinguisher and smoke detector anyway.


Well-Known Member
hell if that moron bob vila can do it anybody can because he's a fool.

haha, a few months ago I saw that show on tv. I couldn't believe my eyes! some guy on there was showing how to cut something on a table saw, with his hands going within an inch or 2 of the blade. he was already missing 3 fingers!!