wats the go with earth worms?


Active Member
i just relised i havnt had a worm in my soil ever
im a new grower

should i put some earth worms in my soil

or will they die from the orgainic nutriences i put in the soil....

if they dont how many worms are a good amouth

the contrainer my plant its in is about 30cm deep and probly 60 long

3o wide

any helpers


Well-Known Member
You need bigger seperate pots.

Do not worry about worms, you are correct in thinking that they will die. Buy WORM CASTINGS as nutrients to mix into the soil or add as a suppliment during watering or as a nute tea. The castings are what you want worms for, however your pot isnt a garbage dump, its mostly worm poop already with not alot of pre-compost meals for the wigglers.


Active Member
Worm Manure - aka - Worm Castings - aka - Worm Poop - aka - Worm Shit - aka - Worm Dirt.

Put that in your mix, 10-20 %. It's full of minerals, some nitrogen and helps.
You can make it into a tea. I use two cups of it to a gallon of water. It will water-fert about eight plants.

Its cheap and it works. nuff said. Press 1 for English - Why this ain't Mexico yet.


Well-Known Member
I just make my own compost. there worms in it and i just feed them apples, stale bread coffee grounds and other shit like that, and my composte is fucking amazing.


Active Member
I just make my own compost. there worms in it and i just feed them apples, stale bread coffee grounds and other shit like that, and my composte is fucking amazing.
Hell Yeah. Make your own. That's what makes America great.
F*ck Starbucks Brand Potting Soils, Ferts & Micro Blast Juices.
$ 15.95 a bottle for Part A then Part B, below me.
I grow Chronic Weed, using Sunlight, creek water, chicken shit, cow manure and bat guano. The only thing I ever buy is some SPT for $ 6.50 at the farmers market. With my natural ferts & some friendly fungi, my weed is two hits & you're there period.
Learn how to make your own, be independent - screw GH, Foxfarm & all the other dope peddlers.

nuff said.
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