Watering with mother nature....

I just looked at my average rain all for june july august and it's about 4" of rain for each of the months. Is this enough rain for me not to have to water my plants?


Well-Known Member
You are going to need more than that for sure. It depends on how well your soil or grow medium holds water. If it doesn't rain here in 3-4 days, I break out the bucket and go hiking to water.
I was going to use 5 gal buckets to hopefully hold more water and dig a little trench around it so water runs to the plant...My outdoor site is near a creek but I just don't want to go to me site a lot....I wanna keep down on sketchy visits into the middle of the woods for no reason. What is the best method of water retention beside soil.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I was going to use 5 gal buckets to hopefully hold more water and dig a little trench around it so water runs to the plant...My outdoor site is near a creek but I just don't want to go to me site a lot....I wanna keep down on sketchy visits into the middle of the woods for no reason. What is the best method of water retention beside soil.
Well first of all, if you use 5 gallon buckets, you will need to drill holes in the bottom so water drains out, because if you don't if you get a big rain they will drown. And I can speak from current personal experience, once the plants get some size they will suck the water up in a 5 gallon container. If the temp is in mid 80's I will have to water every other day, they dry out that quick. It hit 95 for 3 days in a row last week and I had to water every day.
yea i know about drilling holes in the bottom..forgot to say that but yea im in NC it gets hot but we get random t-storms a lot...so im guessing im just gonna have to check if it doesnt rain every three days

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I'm in NC too. Growing 5 plants in 5 gallon buckets too. You better get started. I started my seeds in April, and my plants are between 4 and 5 ft tall now.

Don't mean to be a buzz kill, but you are most definitely going to have to water the plants.. I know how much water I've hauled already, and I just don't see how it will work otherwise.


Well-Known Member
yea i hear ya well im kinda freaking out i can't find any seeds i have asked every where and i dont want to order...all the dealers want to keep them o and by the way this is p8ntbllr234 i just remembered this pw lol


Well-Known Member
there's no way you can expect those plants to live without you tending to them often . . . for real.

I can tell just by the way you're talking that you want literally maintenance free plants . . . not gonna happen buddy.


Well-Known Member
Averages are statistics, I typically call bullshit on statistics. Unless it rains HEAVY (and not just a flash down-pour, gotta be raining for a while) once a week, you'll need to get up and water 'em. Unless you want to do some riggin' and set up a little drip system from that creek. But that would require an intense knowledge of your area, elevation differences, etc. if you were to build a gravity-pump. Or you could use a car battery to set up an electric pump, this way you don't need to find a spot that is downhill from some water.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
It is hot here now, and I'm hauling a ton of water.
I've got 5 plants growing in 5 gallon buckets, and when they dry out it takes about 8 or 9 gallons to soak them good. I have to do that at least every other day.


Well-Known Member
exactly what im planing on for next year got $1000 bucks for my grow budget going to get 2 pallets of fox farms ocean mix along with irrigation and 15 gal growbags thats how you do it save your money now and go big next year plus i will probly pull 10,000 bucks this season its all about spending money to make money 100 grand daddy purp is my plans for next year we will see though like browndirtwarrior sayed big dreams die hard in the simple world of a grower.