watering plants


Active Member
how much should i water my plants during their 18/6 cycle? my plants popped up a week ago and im just looking for some advice.



Well-Known Member
Do NOT overwater!! It seems to me that if you use a small inexpensive water meter for your plnat you will be fine, but if not, I would say about once every 2-3 days. Feel the soil, if it feels dry then water, but remember, plants DO NOT like soggy soil. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
a good watering about every 3 days is fine. stick your finger into the soil a ways and if its dry in there then water it . if your plant is droopy water. if you water and your plant gets droopy dont water for a while. they will forgive you for a few mistakes, at least mine did..



Well-Known Member
do you think that the plants will require more watering if you are using peat moss pots for the seedlings before they are transplanted


Active Member
So for some reason my plants are drooping a little bit and it seems that my dirt is drying out rather quickly. I'll try and post pictures later today, but theyre only about 2 inches tall at the moment (great green color though!:mrgreen:)

I spray them with a small spray bottle once a day...but not a lot..maybe it's underwatering.

pics to come.


Well-Known Member
Tell us about the soil. Lots of perlite? And stop with the spraying. You want a great root system because your bud is only as good as your roots and if a plant is getting sprayed its roots don't have to go searching for water it gets fat lazy and stupid waiting for you to spray.

Over lighting can cause drooping too. What lights are you using and how close are they?