Watering help for my babies in rockwool


Active Member

I have two sprouts a 1/2" long, and 4 germinated seeds in 2" rockwool cubes. The rockwool cubes are in 6" netted pots that are in a 5 gallon DWC bucket. Last week I killed 4 sprouting, about a quarter inch tall from the rockwool drying out. 2 survived out of the 6 and then I started 4 more from germination which have not sprouted yet. I figured sense they dryed out I put buckets water just up to the hydroton pebbles, with the bubbles shooting water into the pebbles which seems to keep the rockwool moist for me. is this ok? however it does seem to keep it a little too wet..., is that worse then almost drying out? Should i just put water level to 1 inch below the net and hand water the rockwool? how much do I water them if I should do that?

I was also wondering how stressful on a sprout if it were pulled out of the rockwool (still in one stem, ((inch and a half long i suppose)) and then put back in? Accident >< :wall:

For now I have coco nutes, which i put 10ML of each A and B into each bucket to start off with. Is that ok for sprouts? The coco says to use a max of 40ML of A and B with every 2.65 gallons. Just from reading on here i get that you dont use max dosage but maybe 1/4 or 1/2 dillution. So 10ML with approx 4-4.5 gallons should be about right for such small plants that i have ya?