Watering autos in tupur mix


Well-Known Member
So I have 2 auto that I’ve just started, one is GelatOG and the other Zkittlez. This is my first grow with autos as well as using coco.

I posted here earlier and was told to start watering them like such...
Day before planting prep the coco with 2ml/gal calmag and 0.5tsp BioThrive Grow.
Day 5, 2nd watering with same strength.
Day 10, same strength.

My question is that it’s day 10 but the tupur is still pretty saturated. Should I water anyway or give more time to let it dry out?

Posted a pic to let you see how moist it still is..


Well-Known Member
Let it dry I use tupur & basement mix they're my favorite but when plants are small youve got to be careful not to keep it too wet later you can flood basement mix daily & tupur multiple times a day if you want to I've had good success using these products with megacrop & GH flora nova both


Well-Known Member
Let it dry I use tupur & basement mix they're my favorite but when plants are small youve got to be careful not to keep it too wet later you can flood basement mix daily & tupur multiple times a day if you want to I've had good success using these products with megacrop & GH flora nova both
That’s what I was thinking. Thanks! I think they’re a bit stunted already unsure why.


Well-Known Member
Its been my experience in basement mix & tupur both that the roots take off first then the leaves & branches follow just don't overfeed or keep them too wet & they'll wake up here is pics of plants I have now at various stages I've never grown an auto but patience when they're small is a must lol this method will work I'm a firm believer in royal gold productsIMG_20191019_095153.jpgIMG_20191019_093610.jpgIMG_20191019_093957.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea that could be it. Seems to dry out slower than the Fox Farm soil I used before though. Would have thought it would dry much quicker. Been 6 days since last watering and still wet.