water the memory theory i need help with a fun easy experiment


water.jpg i dont know how many of you know about the memory theory of water, it seems to be proven science. i have a short video a short video that will pretty much explain why and what i want every one to do, if you would be so kind (you can skip to 1:00) [video=youtube;6Xfv2-riA2g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xfv2-riA2g[/video] . The only thing this video dont
cover is the part about resting the water molecule by freezing them or though a evaporation process

so what im going to be doing for this experiment here is be freezing 2 gallons of filtered water for two plants then after it defrost ill do every thing normal except ill say one of two things to the water or say nothing at all. love&gratitude / disgusting

what im going to need of any one that wants to help is post what you saying or not saying to your water and after one week of this switch and write down any positive, negative or no change at all for that week