Water Question


Hey I had a quick questions about Water.

I am growing hydroponics and have 4, 5-Gallon Buckets so I use around 20-25G per week.
Previously I was only growing 1 plant so using RO water from Walmart was my cheapest option.
With 4 times the amount of water usage, this is no longer a good option for me.
The water from my sink comes out at 100PPM but causes bacteria to grow in the buckets.

Would getting a RO system be my best choice? If so what can you guys recommend?
Also I would be open to alternate options that I haven't mentioned.


New Member

  • 0-25G per week.
    Previously I was only growing 1 plant so using RO water from Walmart was my cheapest option.
    With 4 times the amount of water usage, this is no longer a good option for me.
    The water from my sink comes out at 100PPM but causes bacteria to grow in the buckets.​


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
you can find them cheaper than that with higher capacity. Ebay.

100gpd for around 120 bucks

I suggest getting one without the tiny holding tank. this will save you even more money. Just get a drum and a float valve. This way you can make and store more water for when needed.

the big question is what is in your water that causes bacteria?


Well-Known Member
you can find them cheaper than that with higher capacity. Ebay.

100gpd for around 120 bucks

the big question is what is in your water that causes bacteria?
The problem with cheaper ones that produce more is they filter less, that's why they produce more and cost less, id like to see one of those get even close to the 33ppm i measured in mine this morning.
The one in my link may not be the cheapest but its cheaper than most and certainly gives just as good if not better quality that what you will get from the store. BUT all that aside the real questions is as you mentioned whats causing the bacteria? 100ppm is just fine to feed your plants with and is by a very large margin better than most tap water. I don't think i would bother buying either water or a RO System if my water were that clean. You should see if you cant figure it out. You could always get some tanks set aside and use a small amount of chlorine to kill off any microbes and then allow the chlorine to evaporate off. May not be the best solution..... personally I would rather filter it but both are options.