Water question


Lo all...Just a couple of noob questions

Whats the best time of day during veg/flower to water plants?
What temp should the water be? Cold tap/room temp/grow room temp?

Also I have a wifi IR security cam here and was wondering if the IR would interfere with dark time? Like to check my timer is working when I'm in work.

Cheers for looking!
You can basically water any time.. Think about it, cannabis naturally grows outside, it rains at night. Just make sure the temps aren't low at night. And when it comes to water temp, nothing cold or nothing incredibly warm, so room temp. With the IR problem, I couldn't answer that.

Triple S

Active Member
the temp should be more than 10ºC and under 25ºC
you should water after 2 hours of light but do not get the leaves wet with strong light (neither foliar spray)

i believe that IR does not afect the plant , annyway is too weak (UV does afect the plant)

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Lo all...Just a couple of noob questions

Whats the best time of day during veg/flower to water plants?
What temp should the water be? Cold tap/room temp/grow room temp?

Also I have a wifi IR security cam here and was wondering if the IR would interfere with dark time? Like to check my timer is working when I'm in work.

Cheers for looking!
Water should be room temp, cold or hot can shock the plants. I would recommend you water early when they wake up. It's not do or die but if you water right before they go to sleep your night time humidity will rise. High humidity = problems! If useing tap let it sit out for 24 hrs.


I've done a bit more research and it appear plants cannot 'see' any light above 700nm so IR is safe at about 810nm+
Cheers all