Water pump for reaching whole garden

Thinking about a bigger grow space and wonder if I had a pump with a watering wand attached if it would make life easier being able to reach all the plants that need watered. Thinking about the attached pump drawing water from a container with a wand on the other end. Anyone know if this will work or if there is a better option?

Thinking about a bigger grow space and wonder if I had a pump with a watering wand attached if it would make life easier being able to reach all the plants that need watered. Thinking about the attached pump drawing water from a container with a wand on the other end. Anyone know if this will work or if there is a better option?

There was a thread here about this,he used a remote plug to turn it on/off.Made watering so much easier.I think your pump that s shown is a little big.But maybe you need the head pressure?
I made such an apparatus and stopped using it because the hose was a PITA to manage in tight spaces. I went back to using a bucket dolly and 5 gallon bucket.